I grew up as what they call “a military brat” living in many different places including standing on Coco Beach, Florida watching the Apollo’s lift off and graduating 8th grade in Tehran, Iran. After my father’s retirement Tucson was home where I graduated from Marana High School and then attended the University of Arizona. I then joined the Air Force but after working on equipment that tested other countries nuclear capability I decided I needed a new adventure. I was in Sacramento at the time and got started in the restaurant business.I worked with an owner who liked to take young people and teach them his way of doing things, during that time I discovered my passion for hiking in the mountains and good California wine. This was in the eighties and that’s when California wine was taking off. Myself and fellow restaurant friends would take turns driving; rent a van and spend a day wine tasting in Napa and Sonoma to learn about the product we were selling. Since then my adventures have taken me to living over two decades on Maui and hiking all over the Hawaiian Islands. I have also spent five months in Alaska really getting lost, and five weeks in New Zealand where the hiking and wine are excellent. My parents moved to Willcox in 1986 so I’ve had many visits here the last 30 years. I’ve always appreciated the wide-open spaces with beautiful sunrise/sunsets and no crowds. Now that the wine makers here are making some excellent wines, I couldn't have chosen a better time to move back to Arizona. I’ve always heard you should make your passion your work, so for my new adventure I want to share new hikes and excellent wines with others.

So come join me as we discover all the sights, sounds, and tastes that southeastern arizona has to offer


Alaska & New Zealand pics